Income Calculator Updated with FY 2014 HUD Program Income Limits

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Planning Development OneCPD Mailing List
Developing Viable Communities through Housing, Services, & Economic Opportunities

Income Calculator Updated with FY 2014 HUD Program Income Limits 

HUD has completed updating the Income Calculator to incorporate FY 2014 HUD Program Income Limits for all programs except the HOME Program, as the FY 2014 limits are not yet in effect for HOME. These limits have been effective since December 18, 2013 for most HUD programs and can be viewed on the OneCPD Resource Exchange.

How Does This Affect the Income Calculator?

IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR HOME CALCULATIONS ONLY: This calculator continues to apply the FY 2013 income limits for HOME Program calculations only, as the FY 2014 limits are not yet in effect for HOME. The FY 2014 income limits will not become effective for the HOME Program until 30 days after HUD posts the income limits, along with the 2014 HOME rent limits, on the HOME Program website at

All calculations (except HOME) that are currently in a user's dashboard in the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator, as well as all calculations completed going forward, will use the FY 2014 income limits for the purposes of determining eligibility.

Although your data and calculations are accessible within the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator for 13 months, this feature is designed to allow you to more easily update a beneficiary’s income in the future – it is not a repository of income calculations completed in the past.

Only calculations that had been downloaded from the Calculator and saved to a user's hard drive (or printed off) prior to today used the previous year's income limits data for calculating a beneficiary's income eligibility.

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