DRAFT CPD Closeout Notice Released
HUD has released a draft version of the NSP Closeout Notice. The Notice contains closeout instructions for all CDBG related programs; the relevant NSP sections are found from pages 60-83.
This is only a draft version of the closeout notice; the notice will not be final until the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) process runs its course at the Office of Management and Budget. No grants can be closed until the PRA is done. HUD expects this process to take a month or more. Even though it is a draft version, the Notice is not expected to change during the PRA.
In the meantime, grantees that are ready to close out should review the closeout materials and begin to prepare a final Quarterly Progress Report. Technical Assistance will soon be made available to grantees as they prepare to close their NSP grants. HUD is also developing a Guidebook to help grantees with the NSP closeout process. The Guidebook should be released in March.
Please note that NSP grants cannot close until the grantee demonstrates that each activity has met a national objective and the 25% low-income set-aside has been met for 25% of the original grant amount. In addition, substantially all funds must be drawn from the Line of Credit.
HUD will conduct a number of closeout webinars over the next few months; they are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:
- February 25th (General Overview of the Notice)
- April 3rd and 8th (More Detailed review of forms etc.)
Stay tuned for more details and confirmation of dates and times.
Grantees should direct any questions to the OneCPD Ask A Question.