NHSDC Announces Data Warehousing Institute, April 30, 2014

NHSDC Announces the Data Warehousing Institute on April 30, 2014
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Data Warehousing Institute!

NHSDC is excited to announce a full day Data Warehousing Institute on April 30, 2014, the day before the official kick-off of the Spring 2014 NHSDC Conference.  The institute has been designed to address all knowledge levels of data warehouse from beginner to expert.

The Data Warehouse Training Academy (DWTA) is a HUD TA effort to increase the knowledge and prevalence of functional data warehouse environments throughout the country.  The DWTA has been holding regular meetings with selected states (MD, MO, NY, OH, and TX) since late 2012.  There were 7 trainings held by the DWTA Facilitators during 2013 on a variety of topics.

Advanced registration is required and seating is limited. Registration is $65.00 and you can register here: Institute Registration. Onsite check-in starts at 9:00am and the Institute will begin at 9:30am. Lunch will be on your own.  Light snacks and drinks will be provided.

The Data Warehouse Institute is broken into two parts: the morning and afternoon.  In the morning we will present an Introduction to Data Warehousing to ensure that all participants (no matter what knowledge level) will have a basis for understanding data warehouse planning and implementation.  We will then delve into the DWTA participant states (MD, MO, NY, OH, and TX) projects including the challenges, successes and failures of each project.

Morning Institute Session - 9:30AM
Introduction to Data Warehouse Components

Data Warehouse Training Academy State Presentations
  • Texas (Data Warehouse Governance Challenges)
  • Ohio (Data Warehouse Planning Process Successes and Challenges)
  • Missouri (Data Warehouse Planning Process Successes and Challenges)
  • Maryland (Data Warehouse Implementation and Expansion Challenges)
  • New York (Data Warehouse Implementation)
Optional due to time restraints: Advanced Data Warehouse Implementation Presentation Allegheny County, PA and State of Michigan

Morning Institute Wrap Up

In the afternoon session we will be leading the group through a data warehouse visioning process.  We will have a hands-on peer-to-peer and DTWA Facilitators lead the session on data warehouse model design and implementation.

Afternoon Institute Session – 12:30PM
Introduction to Data Warehouse Visioning

Series of Visioning Exercises that will engage participants in planning and implementation discussions (in large or small group)
  • We will vision the basic steps of data warehouse planning (with visual aids and hands-on activities)
  • The participants will have a document detailing the steps, challenges and barriers for developing and implementing a data warehouse
Afternoon Institute Wrap Up

Chris Pitcher, ICF International
Mike Lindsay, ICF International
Kat Freeman, Cloudburst Group
Barb Ritter, Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness
Ray Allen, Ray Allen Consulting
Tony Gardner, Tony Gardner Consulting