FY 2015 McKinney Campaign Launches!

National Alliance to End Homelessness - Advocacy Update
March 12, 2014

FY 2015 McKinney Campaign Launch
Last week, the Administration released its fiscal year (FY) 2015 Budget Proposal, which included $2.405 billion for HUD's McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants - a 14 percent increase over the final FY 2014 funding level! This is great news, and a testament to the efficacy of our efforts to prevent and end homelessness in our communities. While this is a fantastic first step, the President's Budget Proposal is not law, but is meant to guide Congress as it works through the federal funding process.
This year, more than ever, we need YOUR help to make this proposal a reality! With a very limited federal budget this year, we need to work to make sure McKinney receives an increase so we can continue and expand the terrific work we're doing! The President's Budget Proposal traditionally marks the beginning of the appropriations process. We have an opportunity to impact the funding decision process from the beginning and, working together, we can let Congress know NOW that regardless of funding constraints, increased funding for the Homeless Assistance Grants needs to be a priority! 

What You Can Do:
Help us send at least 500 letters to Members of Congress by 3/31!
1. Send letters to ALL of your Members of Congress! 
a. Direct them to the attention of the person who handles housing issues (we can help you find out who that is).  
b. You can call the congressional switchboard at 202.224.3121 to be connected to your Members' offices. 
2. Ask others to send letters, too!  
a. Email colleagues this sample letter and ask them to send letters, too.       
b. Forward this email or this  sample action alert to your email networks and ask them to send letters to their Members of Congress. 
3. Let us know how many letters you send! Email Kate Seif at cseif@naeh.org or Julie Klein at jklein@naeh.org. This is especially important so we can keep track of our progress toward our goal! 

More Information:

Members of Congress have until March 31 to submit Programmatic Requests to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. Programmatic Requests allow Members to state their preferred funding level for a specific program for the upcoming fiscal year. By sending letters to our Members through March 31, we can encourage them to submit as many Programmatic Requests as possible in support of providing $2.405 billion for HUD's McKinney programs. If many Members weigh in with their colleagues on the Appropriations Committee, there is a much higher chance that we will receive increased funding in FY 2015! So send letters TODAY!   

Last Chance! Sign the Letter Supporting Increased HUD Funding!
More than 2,300 organizations have already signed a letter supporting increasing HUD funding for FY 2015. We need your organization to sign this letter in order to exceed the number of signers to the 2013 letter (2,400 organizations) TODAY.

Members of Congress will soon decide how much funding to allocate for HUD in FY 2015 (which will have a direct impact on how much funding programs like McKinney, Section 8, and others receive) and they need to know that organizations in every state support an increase for the Department! This funding allocation is called the 302(b) allocation - to learn more about what a 302(b) is and why it matters, click here!  

The deadline for signing the letter is TODAY, so if you haven't already, please do add your organization! Sign HERE.

The Alliance works collaboratively with its local, state, and national partners to advance policies and programs that prevent and end homelessness.

Kate Seif 
Policy Outreach Coordinator 

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