Update on the CoC Program AAQ

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Planning Development OneCPD Mailing List
Developing Viable Communities through Housing, Services, & Economic Opportunities

Update on the CoC Program AAQ

HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) recognizes the continuing need of CoCs, recipients, subrecipients, and other stakeholders to receive timely information from HUD.
We would like to thank all of the stakeholders who have submitted questions to the CoC Program Ask A Question (AAQ) Portal. The high volume of questions submitted has resulted in a backlog of questions that have not yet received responses. SNAPS is working through the backlog as quickly as possible with the staff and technical assistance resources we have available. All outstanding CoC Program AAQ questions will be answered.
To date, more than 1,000 responses have been provided and more than 1,600 questions have been submitted since March 2013. We sincerely apologize for the delay in providing a response to questions about the CoC Program.
If a question you submitted to the CoC Program AAQ has been resolved, you may cancel your question. To do so, please locate the original confirmation email you received when you submitted your question, click on the View Question button at the bottom of the email, and follow the instructions to cancel your question.
If you have an emergency or need immediate assistance, please contact your local HUD Field Office. Contact information can be found on the OneCPD Resource Exchange on the About Grantees webpage. Once on that webpage, search for an organization either by location or program, and the HUD Field Office information will appear on the organization’s page.
Resources on the OneCPD Resource Exchange are available for everyone. If you have an unanswered question currently in progress on the AAQ or if you have a question that you are considering submitting to the AAQ, please review the extensive resources available online.
Once the backlog of questions has been addressed, SNAPS will notify all CoC Program stakeholders via another listserv message. Should you need to submit additional questions prior to SNAPS clearing the backlog, please do not expect a quick response.
We appreciate your continuing patience as we successfully implement the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program.