Processing FY13 Tier One renewal projects in Esnaps
Attached is guidance regarding the Recipient’s role in processing Step C1.9 in Esnaps- Issues and Conditions. CPD Reps begin the process by accessing Esnaps at Step C1.8 and upon completion sending each project applicant an email advising that Step C1.9 is available.
Documents addressing any Issues and/or Conditions identified by HQ staff review must be uploaded into Esnaps this year. Once the Recipient completes this Step (by hitting the SUBMIT Button) an email to your CPD Rep is required to alert us that Step C1.10 is available in Esnaps. Step C1.10 is where the renewal grant agreement is generated in Esnaps.
Prior to HUD issuing the renewal grant agreement, we must receive the Match documents (either a Cash Match letter, In-kind Letter or Memorandum of Understanding). See the second attachment for guidance about formatting the Match documents. There has been NO change to this process from last year. Match documents do NOT have to be uploaded into Esnaps.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact your CPD Rep.