Baltimore County FY 15 Slate of Officers Approved
Hi everyone.
Below is the Baltimore County Homeless Roundtable approved Slate of Officers:
Chairperson - Mary Chestnut, YWCA
Vice Chairperson - Bekki Foster, Family Crisis Center
Secretary - Judy Walsh, CCBC
Angie McAllister - UWCM
Mary Pivawer - Baltimore County Department of Aging
We will welcome them in at our next Homeless Roundtable meeting on September 9th, 9:30 at Department of Planning, Remember, we ARE NOT MEETING IN JUNE OR JULY unless something urgent arises. The Executive Committee will plan to meet on August 12th at 9:30 am.
Thank you.
Sue DeSantis
Homeless Services Administrator
Baltimore County Department of Planning
(410) 887-2886