Only the HMIS users listed below should attend this training.
CAN Shelter RRH - N/A
DSS Housing Counselor - Robin Reed (main user)
DSS RRH #1 - Jermica Wallace (main user), Tim Wynn (backup user)
DSS RRH #2 - Jermica Wallace (main user), Tim Wynn (backup user)
Hannah More RRH - Stephanie Solomon (main user)
N2N RRH - Alan Hirsch (main user)
Prologue RRH - Anthony Haskins (main user)
TRAINING TYPE: Rapid ReHousing
DATE AND TIME: 7/30, 9:30am - 12:30pm
DATE AND TIME: 7/30, 9:30am - 12:30pm
LOCATION: BCDP Office, Rear Conference Room
EQUIPMENT: N/A. Team HMIS will provide all necessary equipment.
MATERIALS: N/A. Team HMIS will provide all training materials.
ATTENDEES: Designated HMIS users, only. Calendar appointment reminders have been sent. Attendees must arrive on time, and turn off all electronic devices. Attendees that are late or using electronic devices may be asked to leave.