HMIS TRAINING: RRH Providers - 7/30, 9:30am - 12:30pm
TRAINING TYPE: Rapid ReHousing
DATE AND TIME: 7/30, 9:30am - 12:30pm
LOCATION: BCDP Office, Rear Conference Room
EQUIPMENT: N/A. Team HMIS will provide all necessary equipment.
MATERIALS: N/A. Team HMIS will provide all training materials.
ATTENDEES: Designated HMIS users for providers listed below. Calendar appointment reminders will be sent shortly.
ATTENDEES: Designated HMIS users for providers listed below. Calendar appointment reminders will be sent shortly.
PROVIDERS: Carefully review the list below, and inform us of any discrepancies. We need responses for the notes below from DSS RRH and Hannah More RRH.
- CAN Shelter RRH - N/A. Already trained, and workflow is slightly different (not ESG/HUD funded)
- DSS Housing Counselor - Robin Reed (main user)
- Although not RRH, workflow is similar
- DSS RRH #1 - Jermica Wallace (main user), Tim Wynn (backup user)
- DSS RRH #2 - Jermica Wallace (main user), Tim Wynn (backup user)
- Aimee, please inform us of the difference in services provided between #1 and #2
- Hannah More RRH - Stephanie Solomon (main user)
- Please inform us of the proper email (or employment status) for Demetra Jackson, as her email always bounces
- N2N RRH - Alan Hirsch (main user)
- Prologue RRH - Anthony Haskins (main user)