Save the Date!
The National Human Services Data Consortium (NHSDC) will be holding its Fall Conference on October 21 & 22, 2014, at the Crystal City Hilton in Arlington, VA (DC Metro).
This year's theme is Connections: Data, Dialogue and Discovery. The conference will address the growing needs of communities to explore new ways of using data to connect service providers, expand the use of data beyond traditional boundaries and learn about tools and techniques organizations are using to achieve these initiatives.
Those interested in presenting at the Fall Conference are encouraged to review the "call for session proposals" section below and submit their session proposals.
Registration and Hotel Reservation information will follow shortly.
Call for Session Proposals
NHSDC Conference attendees are interested in unique, novel or otherwise innovative applications of data to the delivery of human services.
In keeping with this year’s theme, NHSDC is looking for session proposals that address the growing need of communities to explore new ways of using data to connect service providers, expand the use of data beyond traditional boundaries and learn about tools and techniques organizations are using to achieve these initiatives.
Topic ideas for conference sessions are as follows:
Policy and Planning: Sessions in this area should focus on how your community or project uses data or management information systems to support new strategies in public policy around reducing poverty, improving self-sufficiency of human service program participants, and the like. For example:
System redesign projects, like transitioning to a coordinated assessment system
Program evaluation using technology
Using data & outcomes in grant writing
Identifying data that’s useful in promoting successes and identifying gaps
End Results: Sessions in this area should focus on the mechanics used to demonstrate how programs delivered and documented effective outcomes. Conversely, the NHSDC Conference attendees value accurate data, and understanding the roots of program failure is also interesting. For example:
Using evaluation to shape program modifications
Comparison of federal and local metrics
Developing performance measures from sound evidence
Collaboration amongst community partners to improve service delivery
Data Sharing and Collaboration: Sessions in this area should explore real strategies for the dissemination of data across multiple sectors and the coordination of these efforts. Projects increase the impact of their information exponentially when they effectively collaborate with other data oriented projects. The audience for these sessions must be able to understand the mechanics of data sharing. Presenters should articulate not only the outcomes but the mechanics of making it happen. For example:
Integrating data systems for improved client outcomes (VA, HMIS, HHS, etc)
Development of project plans for data sharing initiatives
Mechanics of communication and negotiation with multiple vendors
Addressing the scope and fear of data sharing: technical, legal, and community agreements
Technical Application: Show us how technology is being used to tell the story of your data. Sessions in this area should demonstrate specific uses of technology that have increased the skillsets or capacity to serve within a community. Your audience should walk away with applicable skills to enhance the utilization of human service data systems. For example:
Advanced uses of technology (e.g. GIS, advanced Excel, mobile devices, social media)
Technology and applications for data visualization
Practical tools for statistical analysis
Report Building and Technical Writing
System Administrator Communication Tools
Real world tools for better communication with community stakeholders and system users
Note: NHSDC Conference attendees represent communities of all sizes and systems of varying levels of sophistication. Sessions that address issues common to any community as well as the concerns of very small or very large communities are encouraged.
To prepare for your online submission, please have the following information:
Session Title (100 Character Maximum)
Descriptions should be a concise, narrative description of the content and purpose of the proposed session. Attendees will want to learn about real world success and failure. Only the first 500 words of the description will be forwarded to the reviewers.
Audience and Learning Objectives:
All proposals must identify the targeted level of the audience: beginner, experienced, guru. Include learning objectives that are action-oriented and concisely communicate what you want the audience to learn. Only the first four objectives will be reviewed.
Presenters & Bios:
All proposals must include a paragraph that discusses the experience of each speaker (please include names, titles, and organization affiliation. Please also identify which constituency each presenter most closely represents – Elected Official, Government, Human Service Agency, Funding Agency, HMIS Vendor (Software/Service), Consultant, or HUD Technical Assistance Provider).
Session Contact Information:
Please include presenter’s telephone and email contact information. If the proposal includes a panel or multiple presenters, please identify the individual that will serve as the primary contact for NHSDC.
Preferred Session Format:
Please indicate in your proposal your preferred format (plenary, workshop, presentation, or roundtable). If NHSDC thinks your proposal might be good for everyone we may reach out to you about presenting as a plenary or repeating your session.
Session lengths are planned to be between 50 & 75 minutes in length and should include time for questions and answers. NHSDC attendees value opportunities to engage in discussion with session presenters and attendess.
If you don’t feel as though your proposal specifically fits one of the above topics, but feel that it could be beneficial for conference attendees, please feel free to submit your proposal with an additional narrative demonstrating this.
NHSDC offers a vendor neutral conference. Sessions must not promote a specific company, product or service. Vendor specific references, materials and screenshots must be excluded from proposal and presentation materials.
Presenters chosen for the NHSDC Conference will be offered a discount off the full conference registration price. To qualify for the discount, presenters must register for the conference by the registration deadline. Please note, for panel presentations, discounts will be limited to three presenters.
The Conference Committee reserves the right to request a modification of the proposed content, which may include asking presenters to combine similar presentations.
Proposal deadline – August 5, 2014