SIGN-UP: MSHDW Workgroup Meetings

Good morning!  After much discussion amongst CoC's, we are relaunching our monthly workgroup meetings.  I know we are all very busy at the moment, but please take a minute to sign-up via the link below by 8/1/14.  The purpose of these monthly meetings is to collaboratively tackle the numerous program changes we are all currently experiencing. 

MEETING TYPE:  MSHDW Workgroup Meetings (formerly MD HMIS Admin Meetings).  Name was changed because this is not solely for HMIS Admins.  Everyone is encouraged to join (rookies, too).  Please do not be afraid to speak-up or share; we all have numerous questions/concerns.  We do not judge.  Our goal is to efficiently navigate through these tumultuous transitions together.  

PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS:  None.  Participation is 100% voluntary.  Many of us will not be able to attend every monthly meeting, and some of us will only be able to attend a few.  We encourage any participation.

HMIS REQUIREMENTS:  None.  This is NOT a techie meeting.  As we did in the past, we'll discuss topics pertaining to all us, and save HMIS techie topics for the end of each meeting.

ADDITIONAL WORKLOAD / TRAVEL:  None.  You may simply join the meetings via conference call or Webinar.  Jason Burns will coordinate setup, scheduling, agendas, minutes, etc.

SIGN-UP:  Please click here to sign-up (complete the form on the right titled, "MSHDW Workgroup Setup").  It will only take a minute of your time.  

Jason Burns, MCSE
System Administrator