SOAR Learning Community Call #3: Supporting Quality Applications

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July 11, 2014

SOAR Learning Community Call #3

Supporting Quality Applications

Tuesday, July 22, 2014
3:00-4:30pm EDT

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SOAR TA Center staff will offer successful models for quality review of SOAR assisted SSI/SSDI applications from around the country including use of the Application Review Rubric, MSR review, case review meetings, outcomes reports and the SOAR TA Center Liaisons. A guided activity will be completed to practice/review quality review skills.
This call is intended for individuals who actively work on SOAR assisted SSI/SSDI applications or those who support or supervise SOAR trained case workers.
The SOAR Learning Community Call Series focuses on the administrative aspects of running a SOAR program. The first two calls can be accessed on our website at
March 18: Creating and Leading Steering Committees/Conducting Effective Meetings
May 20: Funding & Sustainability