Fwd: Important: SSVF Program Update: August 12, 2014
Hi Team,
I just wanted to follow up to make sure that everyone received this email. Please read thoroughly.
2. Requests for extensions. These are due no later than 8/22.
· You must send to the appropriate email address and cc me (see below). If you think that you might need one but are not sure, you should apply. If you end up not needing it, it is not a problem. However, if you end up needing one and did not apply, there is nothing that I can do for you at that point.
· You must use the attached letter.
· You must have a solid plan and timeline and should work on this plan prior to 8/22.
· Remember that your plan will most likely involve a need to request changes to your HHS subaccounts so you will need to submit the subaccount change by 9/1.
· If you apply for a 90 day extension, it does not mean that you will need to use the full 90 days. For example, if you finished in 30 days, that would be okay.
· If you have questions, please contact me via email.
· I will also hold office hours on Monday (calendar invite to come momentarily) to answer any questions.
3. Reminder: the national webinar will take place on 8/21. More details to come.
From: SSVF
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 1:13 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update: August 12, 2014
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 1:13 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update: August 12, 2014
1. VA Announces 2014 SSVF Awards
2. SSVF Grant Extensions
3. August 21st Webinar
VA Announces 2014 SSVF Awards
On August 11, 2014, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald announced the award of $300 million in grants that will help approximately 115,000 homeless and at-risk Veterans and their families. This announcement included awards for Priority 2 renewal grants along with some Priority 3 funding for new grantees. The VA anticipates it will soon announce additional Priority 1 (3-year non-renewable grants) funding decisions, as well as additional Priority 3 awards, once the FY 2015 VA budget is finalized. For the full list of awards, please visit the SSVF website at www.va.gov/homeless/ssvf.asp.
SSVF Grant Extensions
SSVF grantees may have an opportunity to extend their current grant by 90 days in order to meet the goals and objectives of the agreement. The SSVF Program Office has provided a sample template of the request for this extension (see attached). Please note that grantees must submit this written request, on agency letterhead, to the SSVF Program Office at SSVF@va.gov no later than August 22, 2014. It is important that the letter is sent directly to SSVF@va.gov , although SSVF Regional Coordinators should be copied on this correspondence. Please contact your Regional Coordinator if you have questions.
Update on August 21st Webinar
A pre-recorded webinar will be offered on Thursday, August 21. This webinar will cover details on closing out existing grants and preparing for the next grant year. SSVF staff will also discuss the extension opportunity. The SSVF Program Office will send a link for the Webinar in the coming days, along with additional details.