Notes: SSVF North Atlantic Regional Call on 8/6

Hi SSVF North Atlantic Team,

Below, please find my brief notes from our regional call on 8/6. Thanks to Phil, Nadine, Emily, and Mo for presenting on our call.

I am attaching the VAMC SSVF POC quarterly call powerpoint from May as a reference. There are some good examples of how grantees are doing housing case management and how they explain SSVF as well as a VAMC comparison between VASH case management and SSVF case management.

I am also including the link to the SSVF website that includes the award announcement from today Please note that the list contains Priority 2 renewal grants along with some Priority 3 funding for new grantees. The VA anticipates it will soon announce additional Priority 1 (3-year non-renewable grants) funding decisions, as well as additional Priority 3 awards, once the FY 2015 budget is finalized.

Notes from 8/6 North Atlantic Call
·         See power point for details
·         Reviewed topics to think about during the 4th quarter
·         Discussed the importance of assessing your program and progress. Provided sample metric/dashboard that could be used by plugging in your own grantee numbers. This is the information that is reviewed at the Program Office. Shared that grantees also have examples of dashboards that they can share.
·         Provided feedback on Q3 reports from a regional perspective. Referred grantees back to their individual feedback email and also the QPR tips. Reviewed questions 6,7, and 9 on the narrative report. Discussed success story and focusing on rapid re-housing for next quarter with hopefully a theme or topic to write on each quarter during new grant year. Commented on Operation Stand Down Rhode Island's success of conducting partner visits (not subcontractors) to community agencies. Other points shared by grantees in narrative report: strong coordination with CoC, assisting with coordinated assessment, outreach targeting Veteran households experiencing literal homelessness.
·         Reviewed financial report. Reminded grantees that if they have a cost to report under emergency supplies on tab 2 (cat 1 or cat 2 and 3), they need to include the amount in both the General Housing Stability Assistance total and also on the emergency supplies line. The formula in the excel file backs out the emergency supply line item from the total since the overarching category is general housing stability assistance. Grantees should double check this before submitting their 4th quarter reports to make sure their total, overall  expenditures are correct. Grantees need to make sure that they are completing tabs 2 and 4. Grantees need to make sure that there is data for all quarters and must note variances by line item and also any variances in draw downs.
·         Review report with finance team. Strategy, strategy, strategy
·         Grantees may not submit a significant budget modification during the next round of program changes due 9/1. They may submit a request for a HHS subaccount transfer. Grantees should refer to the Companion Guide to Program Changes and their specific templates. Items for a HHS subaccount transfer request should include: Change request form with the appropriate check box(es) complete, completed HHS subaccount transfer form, and quarterly report excel file with appropriate budget modification tab completed. Questions, email Adrienne before 9/1.
·         Reminder to submit legal partners, subcontractors, or SSVF legal staff contact information (name, email, phone) to so that they can be included in the September legal call
·         Presentation by Phil on Domestic Violence webinar:
o   See slide for recording and contact information
o   Housing first, housing focus---no barriers
o   Mobile advocacy (especially in rural areas)
o   Cross system services
·         HUD/USICH Housing First and Rapid Re-housing Webinar (see ppt for link to recording)
·         VAMC POC Quarterly Call in May (see attachment)
·         Updates
o   Video Project due 8/15
o   Critical Incidents (F/up)
§  Slide as a reminder from the last regional call. Expectations: grantees review and revise their critical incident policies to include specific types of incidents and how they will be handled.
o   Confidentiality/Information Security
§  Grantees must have a policy and procedure for maintaining confidentiality. It is important that grantees also include information on information security such as how they ensure that information is secure and protected.
§  Ensure policy in place for  you and subcontractors
§  Do not save confidential information on hard drives
§  Develop  a plan to ensure that if equipment is stolen, no confidential information is released
§  Do not share client information via email without appropriate encryption
§  Use HMIS as a tool
o   Regional Meetings
§  All registrants should have received their confirmation email. If you did not, please reach out to TAC.
o   Important things happening with HUD timeline (just for reference as work with CoCs)
·         Reminder on waiver process (ex. GPD)
·         Innovation: Benefits Access Center (Utility Emergency Services Fund) and Transportation Resources (Veterans Multi-Service Center)
·         Open discussion and questions
o   Taxes (can refer to tax credits, legal services, etc.)
o   Proposed final rule (not final yet, still pending)
o   Desire to have contact box on ssvf website
o   Utilizing befits and consistent way of assessing for which benefits household has and which ones might be eligible form as well as documentation
o   General question: extensions
§  Expectation that grantees are not using it as a reprieve but that they have a very solid fiscal strategy

Dates to Remember
·         SSVF legal contacts to  due ASAP
·         SSVF Video Project Submissions Due 8/15
·         Save the date: SSVF National Call/Webinar on 8/21 at 2pm
·         Program Changes due 9/1
·         Upcoming: Announcement on extension requests
·         Upcoming: Pre-Agreement/Resolution calls

Thanks so much!
