Reminder: August 16 Consolidated Plan/Action Plan Submission Deadline Approaches

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Reminder: August 16 Consolidated Plan/Action Plan Submission Deadline Approaches

In order for a grantee to receive its annual CDBG allocation, HUD regulations at 24 CFR 91.115(a)(2) requires that a grantee submit its Action Plans to HUD no earlier than November 15 or later than August 16 of the federal fiscal year for which the grant funds are appropriated. The authority for these deadlines is Section 116(b) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. Since the deadlines are established pursuant to the Act, they may not be waived. A grantee that does not submit its Action Plan by the deadline will not receive its FY2014 CDBG funding. To be clear, funding under other CPD formula programs is not subject to this deadline but, since virtually all CPD formula grantees receive CDBG funding, the CDBG submission requirement effectively establishes the deadline for submission of Action Plans.

In order to meet this deadline, an Action Plan must be received (not just postmarked) by the HUD field office by close of business on the deadline date. August 16, 2014 falls on a Saturday. Electronic submissions (e-mailed PDF files or submission via the eCon Planning Suite) should not be affected, since HUD staff do not need to be physically present for them to be received. Grantees planning to submit electronically should be advised to submit their plans by August 16. For plans submitted in hard copy (by mail service or hand-delivered), HUD's Office of General Counsel has advised that CPD may follow existing policy concerning deadlines that fall on a weekend or legal holiday: the deadline becomes the next legal business day. Therefore, hard copy submissions of FY 2014 Action Plans and Consolidated Plans received by the field office by close of business on Monday, August 18 will be considered as having met the submission deadline.