Reminders: SSVF North Atlantic Call on Wednesday and Coversheet/Uploads Due on Thursday
Hi SSVF North Atlantic Team,
I hope that you are doing well. I wanted to send a few reminders.
· Call in 1-800-767-1750 Code: 03336
· At least 1 representative from each grantee must attend.
· You can invite subcontractors/partner agencies to this call if you would like.
· Tentative Agenda
i. Planning
1. Strategy for next two months
2. Questions related to strategy
3. Debrief from National Webinar in July
ii. Learning
1. 3rd Quarter QPR Feedback
2. Grantee Innovations on QPR (2 grantees)
3. Domestic Violence Webinar Presentation
4. Housing First and Rapid Re-housing Webinar
5. VAMC POC webinar in May
iii. Updates
1. Video Project
2. Critical Incidents (F/up)
3. Extensions
4. Regional Meetings
5. Question and Answer
· If you have any questions, please reach out before the 7th.
Thanks so much!