Join CHAI and Adopt-A-Neighbor!

Join CHAI for the
2014 Adopt-A-Neighbor Kick-off!

Sunday, November 16, 2014
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Embassy Apartments Lobby
3809 Clarks Lane, Baltimore
(The corner of Gist Avenue and Clarks Lane)

CHAI is seeking volunteers of all ages and skill levels to work with our neighborhoods' most vulnerable residents two to four times over the course of the year in a more meaningful way. 

Your volunteer work will provide vital maintenance as well as companionship. Through your service you will establish an ongoing connection with individuals and deepen the experience of all involved. 

Volunteer activities include winterization of windows and yard maintenance. 

This kick-off event will serve as your initial meeting of the 2014-2015 volunteer season.

Continue volunteering the rest of the year on your own schedule, individually or as a VolunTeam.

You will earn four hours of service learning each time you volunteer.

 Registration Deadline: October 31, 2014
CHAI-Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc
5809 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21215