2015 HIC & PIT Data Collection Notice and Resources
HUD has published the Notice for Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) Data Collection for Continuums of Care (CoCs), which informs CoCs of information that must be collected in order to successfully complete the 2015 HIC and PIT counts.
Changes to the 2015 HIC:
- CoCs will be required to enter the address for all projects, except for Victim Service Provider projects. If a project uses a scattered site model the CoC will indicate that to HUD and not have to enter an address for the project.
- The references to Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Standards have been updated to be consistent with HUD’s 2014 HMIS Data Standards as published in HUD’s HMIS Data Dictionary, HMIS Data Standards Manual (2014), and Project Descriptor Data Element Manual (2014).
- CoCs with overflow beds should report the total number of overflow beds that were available for occupancy on the night of the inventory count. If there is no fixed number of overflow beds, CoCs may instead report the number of overflow beds that were occupied on the night of the inventory count.
Changes to the 2015 PIT:
All CoCs must continue to complete a PIT count that is based on actual counts and/or statistically reliable data. To further support collection and reporting of complete and accurate data:
- HUD provides additional guidance about counting standards and methodologies in the Point-in-Time Count Methodology Guide. CoCs should refer to that guidance and any updates HUD publishes for further guidance on counting guidance and methodologies. Compliance with HUD standards might result in a more accurate and, potentially, lower PIT count than in the past. CoCs will be able to explain changes in PIT counts that are due to methodology improvements in the CoC Program Competition application and HUD will take such changes into account in the application review and scoring process.
- CoCs will be required to report the total number of youth households (persons under age 25), including the race, ethnicity, and gender data for parenting youth and unaccompanied youth counted. Data on Youth Households is a subset of the All Households data. Youth included in the Youth Households table, and related demographic data, should still be included in the All Households data.
- CoCs will not be required to submit data on one-child and multi-child households in the Households with Only Children table because they now report the relevant information about youth in the Youth Household table.
- CoCs will be required to report the number of sheltered and unsheltered chronically homeless veterans and chronically homeless veteran families.
- HUD has expanded the transgender categories to male to female transgender and female to male transgender to match the 2014 HMIS Data Standards. CoCs will be required to collect and report on the number of persons that report as transgender male to female and transgender female to male.
- Persons counted under “multiple races” should also be counted in at least two other race categories.
HUD encourages CoCs to engage their homeless assistance partners, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, Runaway and Homeless Youth providers, Local Education Liaisons, and critical local agencies and service providers, to assist with achieving the most accurate count of homeless persons in their areas. Among other efforts to involve as many partners as possible to volunteer for the PIT counts, HUD is working with the Department of Defense to encourage members of the National Guard and Reserves to volunteer in the PIT count. HUD strongly recommends CoCs to be prepared to inform and effectively use the volunteer support of persons seeking to participate in the PIT count. HUD commends you for your great work and is grateful to be a partner with you in this critical effort.
Additional HIC and PIT Resources
Preparing for Your 2015 Housing Inventory and Point-in-Time Counts Webinar: HUD will publish a pre-recorded webinar in the near future that will highlight new requirements and data collection guidance for the 2015 HIC and PIT counts.
2015 PIT Poster: HUD has mailed a few complimentary copies of the 2015 PIT Count Poster to each CoC and made the pdf file available for communities to use.
Updated PIT Count Model Surveys and Instructions: HUD has posted updated model PIT count surveys on the PIT Survey Tools page. The survey updates reflect feedback from the U.S. Census Bureau and improve the way data is collected. HUD has also published instructions for enumerators on how to best implement the model surveys. While these model surveys remain optional HUD recommends that CoCs carefully review their contents and consider implementing the questions.
PIT Mobile Application: HUD is providing a mobile PIT application for 2015 that CoCs can use in counting homeless persons. The mobile app will only be available from HUD for the 2015 PIT count. HUD encourages CoCs to use the app in their communities to test whether they want to adopt mobile technology in their PIT count process in the future. The mobile app is currently being updated but will be available for download through Google Play or the Apple App Store. The app should be available in November. HUD will publish tools for using the mobile app on its PIT Survey Tools page.
Questions about the HIC, PIT, or unmet need?
If you have questions about entering HIC or PIT data that are not covered in this Notice, please submit them through the Ask a Question (AAQ) portal on the HUD Exchange. On Step 2, select the HDX Reporting System in the “My question is related to” dropdown.
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