Reminder: NDRC Webinar - Climate Adaptation Planning 101 (November 20, 2014, 3 PM EST) and New Webinar Series Resources
This topical webinar is one in many upcoming webinars in the NDRC Webinar Series. This webinar focuses on how communities can systematically identify hazards/threats, determine community risk, and plan for action to increase the ability to adjust to a changing climate.
Presenters: Brian Holland (ICLEI) Jessica Grannis (Georgetown Climate Center) Megan Susman (EPA) Karen Helbrecht (FEMA)
Please note you DO NOT need to register to join this webinar. Instructions to access the webinar directly are provided below. However, if you would like to get credit for this webinar, you may use the link to register.
Participation Instructions
To Join via Webex
- At least 10 minutes before the start time, log into the webinar
- Enter your first name, last name, and e-mail address
- Enter the meeting password: NDRC2014
- Click “Join Now”
- WebEx “Event Manager” software will load; this can take several minutes.
- Once the meeting window has opened, to receive a call back, provide your phone number in the box provided
- Call the toll-free: (877) 223-6370
- When prompted, enter the meeting access code: 781 293 8503#
To Join via Teleconference (Audio-only)
- Call toll-free: (877) 223-6370
- When prompted, enter in the meeting access code: 781 293 8503#
Additional Instructions
For additional instructions, such as how to ask a question during the webinar session, please visit the Training Course detail page.
Training Point of Contact
George Martin | 630-337-5660 | gmartin@tdainc.org or
Kathy Kaminski | 847-421-7009 | kkaminski@tdainc.org
New Webinar Series Resources
The following information has been posted to the training course detail pages of previously held webinars in the NDRC Webinar Series.
- Transcripts
- Video & Slides
To find out more information about upcoming webinars and access materials from previously held webinars, go to the NDRC Webinar Series News page.
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