Reminder of Available ESG Resources on HUD Exchange
Many communities have questions about the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program interim rule – sometimes because of staff turnover and sometimes because existing staff seek guidance around interpreting the rule. While HUD continues to develop new guidance and resources for ESG recipients and subrecipients, and the AAQ help desk is always available to answer questions, HUD would like to remind ESG recipients and subrecipients of existing ESG program resources that are already available on the HUD Exchange.
The ESG resource page contains the McKinney-Vento Act as amended by the HEARTH Act, the ESG interim rule, and other Notices, plus ESG program guides, tools, and webinars. These are all excellent resources to help staff learn and/or better understand the program. This page also houses links where staff can read past listserv messages, submit a question to the Ask a Question portal, view ESG award amounts, and find resources for ESG planning and reporting. This message highlights some specific resources that both new and existing staff may find helpful to review.
New to ESG?
The following resources describe some basic ESG requirements:
Key Concepts and Requirements
Periodically, HUD issues short “SNAPS-Shots” covering key concepts related to ESG program requirements:
HUD has also issued guidance around some other critical program requirements. Some of the resources available for these include two longer guidance pieces and a matrix:
ESG Priorities
HUD encourages ESG recipients and subrecipients to design their programs around HUD’s priorities for rapid re-housing, CoC collaboration, and quality data collection in HMIS. The following resources describe some of these priorities and why they are important in helping to end homelessness in communities:
Eligibility and Documentation
Some communities have expressed confusion about the homeless and at risk definitions, and correctly determining and documenting eligibility for program participants for either ESG rapid re-housing or homelessness prevention services. It is critical that recipients and subrecipients are evaluating individuals and families correctly for assistance. The following materials can help with determining and documenting program participant eligibility:
Through the publication of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), HUD offers clarifying information and guidance that may not be stated as explicitly elsewhere. All ESG Program FAQs are available either on the ESG Program FAQs page or from any HUD Exchange page by clicking on "Advanced Search" located in the top right-hand corner of the page, right below “Search Resources.” To find ESG FAQs from the "Advanced Search" page, select "FAQs" as the desired result type. Then, select the search criteria. "Search by Programs or Systems" allows the user to specify keyword(s), program, and/or reporting system.
Related Resources
ESG recipients and subrecipients must comply with a variety of other requirements for planning and reporting, including submitting the Consolidated Plan, Action Plan, and CAPER, participating in HMIS, and utilizing IDIS. Recipients and subrecipients can visit the applicable resource pages for these topic areas for additional guidance.
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