What is SOAR?
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is a federal initiative that expedites and improves access to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness and diagnosed with a mental illness and/or co-occurring disorder. These programs, administered by the Social Security Administration, provide income and access to health insurance for individuals that are unable to work due to medical and/or psychiatric conditions.
The application process is complex and difficult to navigate. Through effective partnerships, technical assistance and training, the SOAR Initiative aims to increase the amount of applications and approvals for vulnerable individuals. For more information about SOAR visit
Coming - the 2nd annual SOAR conference in June - date to be announced soon!
As of the end of October 2014, data has been collated on over 830 SOAR claims, with initial claims processed in an average of 74 days! The State overall approval rate for all claims is 83% and in FY 2014, the approval rate for initial claims was 87%! (national SOAR average around 65%)
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Congratulations & Kudos!
Congratulations to Montgomery County who recently had their 100th SOAR approval! A big thank you to Rich Schiffauer, the Montgomery County SOAR lead, and all of the SOAR providers for this wonderful achievement! Well-done Montgomery County!
New Certifications
Congratulations to Kathy Craige (Lower Eastern Shores), Gina Meyer (Baltimore County, Bilqis Rock (Baltimore City) and Cornelius Brooks (Carroll County)! These recently certified folks have completed at least five SOAR cases and produced high quality SOAR claims! Also, congratulations too to Jill Eicher (Baltimore City) on successfully obtaining re-certification!
COLA Increase
Beginning January 1st, 2015, individuals currently receiving SSI and SSDI will be eligible for a cost of living adjustment (COLA). SSI beneficiaries will begin receiving $733 per month. SSDI beneficiaries will receive a 1.7% increase in their monthly income.
You can also download an updated fact sheet with the new amounts and other changes for 2015 from the National SOAR TA Center
Continuing Disability Reviews
Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) are reviews that SSA orders and DDS reviews to determine if an individual continues to meet the disability criteria and that the impairments are severe enough to warrant continued receipt of disability benefits. When cases are initially allowed, they are categorized as one of the following three groups:
- Medical Improvement Expected - as the name suggests, while the person has been deemed disabled, DDS believes that medical improvement may occur. These reviews can occur as quickly as 6 months following an approval
- Medical Improvement possible - this review occurs every 3 years and is based on a review that someone's condition may improve, but is still not likely to result in the individual being able to engage in Substantial Gainful Activity
- Medical Improvement not Expected - this review occurs every 5-7 years. This is for individuals who are 55+ (advanced age) or has impairments that are viewed as 'permanent' (mental disorders often fall into this range)
DDS will be reviewing if there has been a decrease in the "medical severity" of the symptoms and conditions. DDS will be looking at the current level of impairments compared to the level of impairment when originally awarded benefits. If a claimant is deemed to continue to meet the listings, the benefits will continue uninterrupted. If a medical improvement is found, DDS will assess if this is related to the claimant's ability to work.
SSA sends out this information to the individual. If you receive a SSA 454- this is the CDR paperwork, you can assist the client in filling out the forms to ensure continued receipt of SSI/SSDI and avoid a disruption in benefits!
For more information about CDRs you can download a recording of the recent webinar held by the National SOAR TA team on this very topic!
SOAR Training in Maryland
Policy Research Associates (PRA), the agency that runs the National SOAR TA center, is currently rolling out online SOAR training. This online training is an extremely useful resource and provides a great opportunity for trained SOAR providers to refresh their knowledge and skills. However, in Maryland we will continue to offer the in-person SOAR training in order to provide tailored information and in-person assistance. In order to be eligible to submit SOAR applications in Maryland, all providers must have completed the in-person two-day SOAR training, even if they have successfully completed the on-line curriculum. These in person trainings are offered at least quarterly. If you are interested in sending individuals to the SOAR training, please speak to your local SOAR lead or email Caroline Bolas at caroline.bolas@maryland.gov.