
Showing posts from February 11, 2014

HUD Announces Availability of HUD-VASH Funding for PHAs

February 11, 2014 Working in Partnership to End Homelessness among Families The Importance of Clarity of Purpose and Action By Laura Zeilinger, USICH Deputy Director Today, USICH releases Family Connection: Building Systems to End Family Homelessness , a resource aimed at expanding an effective partnership with communities across the country to prevent and end homelessness for families. In communities throughout the country, people are performing everyday heroics in an effort to meet the needs of families. Yet too often, these providers are faced with the painful inability to adequately respond to families seeking homeless services. The interventions they can offer are frequently determined by where there are open beds in a program, if there are open beds at all.  Even when community stakeholders agree on the importance of assessment and linking a family to an intervention best suited to their c...

HUD Revises HOME FACTS Vol. 3

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Revises HOME FACTS Vol. 3, No. 1: HOME Activities with Commitments in IDIS that are Over 12 Months Old with No Funds Disbursed HOME FACTS - Finance and Computer Technical Support The Office of Affordable Housing Programs has revised HOME  FACTS  Vol. 3, No. 1. Topic: This issue of HOME FACTS explains an important change in HUD’s treatment of HOME activities with commitments in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) that are over 12 months old with no funds disbursed. Effective with IDIS Releas...