
Showing posts from February 12, 2014

DRAFT CPD Closeout Notice Released

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . DRAFT CPD Closeout Notice Released HUD has released a draft version of the NSP Closeout Notice . The Notice contains closeout instructions for all CDBG related programs; the relevant NSP sections are found from pages 60-83. This is only a draft version of the closeout notice; the notice will not be final until the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) process runs its course at the Office of Management and Budget. No grants can be closed until the PRA is done. HUD expects this process to take a month or more. Even though it is a draft version,...

eCon Planning Suite/Consolidated Plan Resource Pages Now Available on the OneCPD Resource Exchange

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . eCon Planning Suite/Consolidated Plan Resource Pages Now Available on the OneCPD Resource Exchange HUD is pleased to announce the launch of the Consolidated Plan resource pages on the OneCPD Resource Exchange . From the eCon Planning Suite/Consolidated Plan resource pages grantees can browse: eCon Planning Suite Guides, Tools, and Resources, including: CPD Maps Desk Guide, updated to reflect the new format for CPD Maps Also Coming soon: Webinar recording for Completing the CAPER in IDIS Recorded tutorials demonstrating key ...