
Showing posts from February 13, 2014

NHSDC Announces Data Warehousing Institute, April 30, 2014

NHSDC Announces the Data Warehousing Institute on April 30, 2014 Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . ...

CPD Closeout Notice Released

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . CPD Closeout Notice Released Note: HUD is re-sending this message as some subscribers did not receive it when it was originally sent 2/12/14. HUD has released a draft version of the NSP Closeout Notice . The Notice contains closeout instructions for all CDBG related programs; the relevant NSP sections are found from pages 60-83. This is only a draft version of the closeout notice; the notice will not be final until the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) process runs its course at the Office of Management and Budget. No grants can be closed...

Disability Determination Process (DDP) Small Grant Program

We are passing along this research grant opportunity as we thought it may be of interest to the SOAR community. ~SAMHSA SOAR TA Center ***TIME SENSITIVE -- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY*** ~ Flyer attached for posting ~ APPLICATION DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 2014 The Disability Determination Process (DDP) Small Grant Program awards $10,000 stipends for graduate-level research on improving disability determination processes. The DDP Small Grant Program is a one-year stipend program that allows graduate students to conduct supervised independent research on improving the efficiency and reducing the complexity of disability determination processes.  Policy Research, Inc (PRI) is pleased to announce the fourth round of this federally-funded stipend program. This program is directed by PRI of Delmar, NY, and is funded through a grant (#IDD11000001) from the Social Security Administration . For more information ...