
Showing posts from February 25, 2014

2014 National Family and Youth Conference Materials Available Online

February 25, 2014      ISSUES   |   POLICY   |   SOLUTIONS   |   NEWS & EVENTS Forward Editor: Emanuel Cavallaro Spotlight On... 2014 National Family and Youth Conference Materials Available Online We have posted presentation materials from our 2014 National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness workshops on the Alliance website. The materials cover a wide range of issues from the Conference, from planning and funding a youth homelessness system, to retooling transitional housing, to rapid re-housing for veteran families, and much more. We will continue to add workshop presentation materials to the website as they become available. If you are a conference presenter who would like materials for your workshop added to the website, please email Alliance Communications Associate Emanuel Cavallaro at ecavall...

Reminder - HOPWA Technical Assistance Procedure

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Reminder - HOPWA Technical Assistance Procedure HOPWA Grantees and Project Sponsors: I am pleased to inform you of the availability of  several pathways to assistance with the management of your HOPWA program. Access to these resources is provided through the OneCPD Resource Exchange . “Ask A Question” – provides simple and quick access to answers related to any aspect of your HOPWA program administration and implementation. Grantees and project sponsors can submit questions directly at OneCPD Ask A Question . While response...

FY 2015 Funding Campaigns Launch Webinar

February 24, 2014 President's Budget Proposal Briefing Webinar On Thursday, March 6 at 2 p.m. ET, the Alliance will host its annual webinar on the President's fiscal year (FY) 2015 Budget Proposal. The Budget Proposal is expected to be released on Tuesday, March 4. The Budget Proposal reflects the Administration's funding priorities for the upcoming fiscal year and is meant to provide information and recommendations to Congress as it moves through the federal appropriations process.   The webinar will provide an overview of the federal budget process and an analysis of the President's FY 2015 Budget Proposal. Presenters from the Alliance will summarize and analyze the Administration's proposed funding levels for affordable housing and homelessness programs.   The Alliance will also launch its FY 2015 advocacy campaigns around increas...