MEETING NOTICE: HMIS Overview & Refresher
Due to increased HMIS reporting requirements (federal, state, local, private, etc.), we will conduct an overview meeting and refresher for our HMIS participants. Attendance is strongly encouraged. HMIS data reflects program performance, reflects county performance, determines funding, etc. Please review the instructions, then complete the survey (link below instructions) by 3/5/14. If you have any questions and/or concerns, you may contact our HMIS team at or 410-887-5968. Thank you! HMIS Overview Meeting Program director or supervisor should attend HMIS guru (knowledgeable user) should attend Attend via conference call or live at BCDP office Conference call attendees must have computer & internet access Meeting topics: Policies & procedures Data accuracy & timely entry Performance measures Monthly report cards (online) HUD CoC APR HMIS Guru Refresher HMIS guru (knowledgeable user) should ...