
Showing posts from April 2, 2014

FY2013 renewal grants

As was the case last fiscal year, Recipients are required to submit the Cash Match Letters and/or Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU: for services provided by a third-party provider) or In-kind Letters PRIOR to our issuance the renewal grant agreement. Please start working on these documents and make sure the correct grant period is cited, i.e. the operating start date should fall within calendar year 2014 and end in calendar year 2015 (for all except those projects with a January 1 start date). Contact your CPD Representative if you have any questions.

HUD Releases New CoC Program FAQs

HUD Releases New CoC Program FAQs HUD continues to receive many important questions from communities regarding the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program through the OneCPD Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. HUD has posted new CoC Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Environmental Review. All FAQs may be found by viewing the CoC Program FAQs page on the OneCPD Resource Exchange . Questions addressed include: Environmental review requirements for all CoC Program projects, including an explanation for the different review processes for leasing, tenant-based rental assistance, sponsor-based rental assistance, and project based rental assistance   Difference between Part 50 and Part 58   Different levels of environ...

HUD Report: Larger PHAs More Likely to Serve Homeless People

April 1, 2014      ISSUES   |   POLICY   |   SOLUTIONS   |   NEWS & EVENTS Forward Editor: Emanuel Cavallaro Spotlight On... HUD Report: Larger PHAs More Likely to Serve Homeless People An analysis of 4,000 Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) around the country by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has found that, while 24 percent of all PHAs were attempting to serve people experiencing homelessness, the larger PHAs were more likely to make such efforts. According to the report, "Study of PHAs' Efforts to Serve People Experiencing Homelessness," just 119 of these larger PHAs administer almost half (49 percent) of the national inventory of vouchers and public housing. PHAs in metropolitan areas are more likely to make efforts to serve people experiencing homelessness, and the PHAs in areas with large h...

Register Today: Upcoming CHDO Workshops – Understanding the 2013 HOME Final Rule in Boston, MA and Columbus, OH

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Register Today: Upcoming CHDO Workshops – Understanding the 2013 HOME Final Rule in Boston, MA and Columbus, OH The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is pleased to announce a series of 2.5-day Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) training workshops that will be held during the spring and summer of 2014. The workshops are intended: To orient participants to important changes in the 2013 HOME Final Rule To provide detailed information about the Rule’s CHDO-specific provisions To help CHDOs and their...