
Showing posts from June 23, 2014

Update on the Status of the Proposed HOPWA Formula Change

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Update on the Status of the Proposed HOPWA Formula Change The Current HOPWA Formula FY 2014 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) formula grant awards were allocated using the same formula that has been statutorily required since the program was established in 1990. This formula was, based on two key factors: 75% of the formula is allocated based on cumulative AIDS cases, including those persons both living and deceased since the start of the epidemic in 1981; and   25% of the formula is based on AIDS incidence...

[Action Requested] You Input is Essential to the Ongoing Success of Opening Doors

        Home       Opening Doors      Contact Your Input Is Essential to the Ongoing Success of Opening Doors   Dear Valued Partner, Yesterday marked the fourth Anniversary of the launch of Opening Doors , the first-ever Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. In four years, we have changed the trajectory of homelessness in America. In just the first three years of implementation, Opening Doors led to significant reductions in homelessness, including an eight percent reduction in homelessness among families, a 16 percent reduction in chronic homelessness, and a 24 percent reduction in homelessness among Veterans . And we...