
Showing posts from July 27, 2014

REMINDER: HMIS Report Cards Official Posting 8/1 (Baltimore Co)

   This is a friendly reminder that we will post our first "official" HMIS reports cards to our site on 8/1. For most of us, this will cover data entered during the first month of the new Fiscal Year 2015.  If needed, please take the necessary actions to ensure you have "clean" data for your program(s). Remember, HMIS data is a direct reflection of your program, as well as our entire county.  Keep up the good work! NOTE #1: As per our grant agreement, direct BCDP grantees that reflect poor data may have their monthly funding withheld until corrections are made.  NOTE #2: As mentioned in last week's email, Sam (HMIS Assistant) will be out of the office until 8/4, which may result in delayed support response times.       Jason Burns ,  MCSE System Administrator Support: Direct: 410-887-5968                       ...

UPDATED RECURRING MTG INFO: Co Assess / Data Mgmt and Strategy Group (Baltimore Co)

   Please let me know if any of the information below is inaccurate.  Everyone should have already received calendar appointment reminders for the next meetings on 8/7.  Thank you. NAME:  Co Assess / Data Mgmt, 9:00am (1st THU every mos) NAME:  Strategy Group, 10:00am (1st THU every mos) LOCATION: 6600 Wycombe Way, 21234 MEMBERS:  Please view the membership list below for each meeting type, and inform me of errors ​​          Jason Burns ,  MCSE System Administrator Support: Direct: 410-887-5968                                                                                    


   Good morning.  Please view the 3 reports attached and the notes below.  We must have our data up to date by the end of this Thursday 7/31/14. If you have any questions and/or concerns, contact us at any time.  Thank you!     SVC - informational report to view number of services provided NULL - review and exit out old clients (same password as before) Missing Data - make necessary corrections on your Entry assessment           Jason Burns ,  MCSE System Administrator Support: Direct: 443-574-HMIS