Let’s Make Everyone Count in 2015!
The 2015 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) count are right around the corner. HUD has published several resources to assist communities to have the most comprehensive count ever. HUD thanks you for your fantastic work and looks forward to seeing your great efforts reflected in the 2015 HIC and PIT sheltered and unsheltered count data.
Notice for Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) Data Collection for Continuums of Care (CoC): The Notice describes HUD’s requirements for what CoCs must collect to successfully complete the 2015 HIC and PIT counts.
Preparing for Your 2015 Housing Inventory and Point-in-Time Counts: This webinar outlines the major changes for 2015 and addresses some questions and answers regarding the 2015 HIC and PIT count. Please note that HUD is doing additional research about the appropriate race to identify when a person only provides an ethnicity. The response in the Q&A portion of the webinar may require further clarification.
Point-in-Time Count Methodology Guide: The guide provides standards and guidance on appropriate PIT count methodologies and effective practices for administering the PIT count. Please note: Compliance with HUD standards might result in a more accurate and, potentially, lower PIT count than in the past. CoCs will be able to explain changes in PIT counts that are due to methodology improvements in the CoC Program Competition application and HUD will take such changes into account in the application review and scoring process.
HDX FAQs: Updated FAQs address a variety of topics including a more clear definition of who is considered “unsheltered” for the purposes of the PIT count, whether CoCs are allowed to count persons over multiple days or over different periods of time during the day, whether to count persons who are known to participate in unsafe activities in order to have housing (e.g., exchange sex for a place to sleep), and whether to include RHY programs on the HIC and in the sheltered PIT count.
PIT Survey Tools Resource Page: Offers optional tools CoCs can use as they develop their PIT count surveys. The tools are centered around two core sets of resources: model surveys and the PIT Mobile Application. The model surveys reflect the review of best local practices, and the input of leading survey and homeless methodology experts. The HUD PIT Mobile Application is a mobile app that converts the model surveys into a mobile app format. For CoCs desiring to use the mobile app, there are several resources, including webinars, training guides, and instruction documents for how to incorporate the mobile app into the PIT count and how to help volunteers use the mobile app. Ask a Question: Allows you to ask additional questions about entering HIC or PIT data that are not covered in this Notice, by submitting questions at the Ask a Question page on the HUD Exchange. On Step 2, select the HDX Reporting System in the “My question is related to” dropdown.
2015 PIT Count Poster: Contains a pdf of the 2015 PIT Count poster that CoCs can download and print for their own purposes.
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