MSHDW NEWS: 01/21/2015
Good morning and happy new year! Please view the updates below. Contact me with any questions and/or concerns. I'm always glad to assist. Thank you for your continued participation and support!
- MSHDW Resources Web Page! (new)
- visit new web page at our site
- hover over "resources" tab ---> select "maryland" from drop down menu
- view updated "Contact List" (includes new members)
- additional pages for ESG, PATH, and CoC Program coming soon
- 2015 CoC Quarterly Meetings (Advisory Panel)
- great opportunity for everyone to receive news from DHCD, DHMH, DHR, HUD, ICH, UWCM, VA, etc.
- same recurring schedule - 2nd WED of each quarter, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
- 3/11/15, 6/10/15, 9/9/15, 12/9/15
- everyone will receive a calendar reminder
- virtual attendance ---> WebEx will be available
- live attendance ---> Jason's Towson office (may be subject to change)
- Employment Opportunities
- view employment opps at our news blog
- Baltimore County is still seeking a Homeless Services Assistant
- Resource Sharing
- we share everything ---> don't hesitate to ask
- request materials (including originals to edit), guidelines, policies, procedures, reports, etc.
- request to post items to our site
- 20,500+ page views last year
- request to post items to our news blog
- 13,200+ page views last year
Always use ServicePoint manuals. NEVER guess! Properly entering data, or contacting us, saves hours!