Continuum of Care Mergers
With the distribution of the FY 2015 Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIWs) this week, HUD wants to remind the Continuums of Care (CoCs) that now is the time to merge if CoCs have determined that a merger is in their best interest.
HUD strongly encourages CoCs to merge where it is appropriate. HUD has determined that the merger of one or more existing CoCs into a new larger CoC can result in improved coordination of services, effective HMIS implementation, more efficient resource allocation and planning, and improved competitiveness for new resources. Merging smaller CoCs into a larger CoC also reduces the administrative burden of applying for funding at the local level and reviewing funding applications at the national level.
In order to merge, the affected CoCs must notify Michael Roanhouse at Michael.Roanhouse@hud.gov. The notification should include the names of the CoCs that will merge, a list of all of the geographic area, and copies of meeting minutes and/or agendas that demonstrate the merge was discussed in a public forum and agreed upon by the CoC membership.
HUD will notify the CoC of its decision and work with the CoC on submitting a merged GIW for the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition.
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