SSVF HMIS UPDATE: User Accts + Workflows + Provider Setup

Thanks to those of you that were able to attend our HMIS training today!  For those of you who were unable to attend, please review with a SSVF Team Leader or contact Team HMIS to make other arrangements.  Do NOT attempt to enter any data until you have learned the new processes.  

As always, contact us as many times you need!  We'd rather spend a few moments to properly enter data, rather than hours correcting poor data...  We're always glad to assist.  Thanks again!

  • USER ACCOUNTS: All user accounts have been reset with the temporary password
    • Do NOT attempt to enter any data until you have learned the new processes
  • WORKFLOWS: Review new workflows w/SSVF Team Leader or contact Team HMIS
    • Always follow exact steps in workflow manual
    • Always use "Enter Data As" as soon as you're logged in
    • Do NOT enter/modify data on ClientProfile screen
    • Paper assessment form will be updated online shortly
    • Do NOT attempt to enter any data until you have learned the new processes
  • PROVIDERS: Choose the correct "Enter Data As" provider based on your client
    • CAT 1 (not homeless) = use a SSVF HP provider
    • CAT 2 or 3 (homeless) = use a SSVF RRH provider
    • Do NOT attempt to enter any data until you have learned the new processes

Jason Burns, MCSE
Systems Administrator
HMIS Support Team

Always use our manuals. NEVER guess! Properly entering data, or contacting us, saves hours!