On Wednesday, March 11, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julián Castro testified at a hearing that the HUD’s fiscal year (FY) 2016 funding level request in the President’s proposed budget would help the agency reach the nation’s shared priorities, including “helping more Americans secure a place to call home.”
At the hearing, which was held by the Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (T-HUD) Appropriations Subcommittee, Secretary Castro said that the proposal includes funding that would effectively end chronic homelessness and would make significant strides in the work to end homelessness among families and youth.
He explained, “with Congress’ support through programs like HUD-VASH, we have seen dramatic reductions in homelessness among veterans. If our nation invests in the targeted programs we know work, we can make similar progress in tackling other forms of homelessness. Specifically, HUD’s Budget would fund Homeless Assistance Grants at $2.5 billion – a $345 million increase over last fiscal year’s level.”