MSHDW NEWS: 3/3/15

​​Please view the news/updates below.  Thank you!

  • ESG Grantees (DHCD funded recipients only)
    • Data warehouse has been updated w/new standards
    • COC HMIS Admins must ensure all ESG providers (excluding DV) properly setup in local HMIS
      • All data must be accurate from the beginning of current DHCD ESG fiscal year
      • DV provider reporting form will be posted online shortly
      • Jason will send out an ESG provider form to all CoC HMIS Leads 
      • These will be reviewed at the next HMIS Admin Workgroup on 3/18, 9:30am
  • 2015 Point in Time Reports 
    • For our 5th year in a row, we are requesting PIT data to compile state-wide reports
      • Same as last year, please email me the following by 4/30/15 (same as HUDHDX due date)
        • HUDHDX PDF: PIT Homeless Population
        • HUDHDX PDF: PIT Subpopulations
        • HUDHDX PDF: PIT Veterans
  • Employment OPP: Construction Specialist (Baltimore Co)
  • Employment OPP: Grants Manager (Howard Co)

Jason Burns, MCSE
Systems Administrator
HMIS Support Team

Always use our manuals. NEVER guess! Properly entering data, or contacting us, saves hours!