FY 2015 CoC Program Documents Available for CoC Review
In an effort to make the FY 2015 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Registration process as smooth as possible for CoC designated Collaborative Applicants, HUD has posted the documents listed below to the FY 2015 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition: Funding Availability page on the HUD Exchange. These documents can be found under the Forms and Supporting Documents section. CoCs and the designated Collaborative Applicants are encouraged to review the documents and take any action needed at the local level.
- FY 2015 Geo Codes and Preliminary Pro Rata Need Amounts - This document contains the updated list of all geographic areas that are in effect for the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition, along with their six-digit geographic code (geo code) and the Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) amount for Metropolitan Cities, Urban Counties, and all counties in the United States.
- FY 2015 Geo Codes Claimed and Un-claimed - This allows CoCs and Collaborative Applicants to review and ensure all appropriate geographic codes are claimed within each CoC’s defined geographic area. CoCs and Collaborative Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the information contained in this file to ensure all geographic codes within the CoC-defined geographic area are captured. This is particularly important for those CoCs that have merged.
- FY 2015 Continuums of Care Names and Numbers - This lists all of the CoCs, with their numbers and names, that registered in the FY 2013 and FY 2014 CoC Program Registration processes. This list should accurately reflect all of the known CoC mergers that have occurred since the FY 2013 CoC Program Registration process. As a reminder, since HUD issued a 2-year NOFA, the FY 2013 – FY 2014 CoC Program NOFA, there were no mergers allowed or recognized by HUD for the FY 2014 CoC Program Registration process. Additionally, some of the names of CoCs have changed, some with slight changes, to accurately capture the City(s) and/or County(s) with a CoC. For example, if your CoC name in the last registration process just reflected the name of a major city, but also encompassed smaller surrounding cities, those surrounding cities were incorporated into the CoC Name.
- FY 2015 CoC Merger Financial Worksheet - This worksheet is designed to help communities understand the Final Pro-Rata Need that will be used to determine a merged CoC's CoC planning costs and Unified Funding Agency (UFA) costs (if the Collaborative Applicant is designated as a UFA). For those CoCs that have merged, HUD encourages these CoCs to review and complete this worksheet in preparation for the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration process.
HUD will issue a listserv message when the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration process is available.
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