FY 2015 CoC Program Registration Notice is Now Posted and e-snaps is Now Open
The Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Opportunity to Register and Other Important Information for Electronic Application Submission for the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition is posted to the HUD Exchange. In addition, FY 2015 CoC Program Registration forms are live in e-snaps. The FY 2015 CoC Program Registration process is only open for 20 days and will close at 7:59:59 PM EDT on Monday, May 18, 2015.
HUD strongly encourages all Collaborative Applicants, CoC stakeholders, Project Applicants, and Project Sub-recipients to read the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration Notice in its entirety and Collaborative Applicants should carefully review Section III. Completing the Registration Process of the Notice prior to starting the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration process in e-snaps as this particular section covers all of the steps necessary for successfully registering the CoC for the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition.
Important Notes
- Collaborative Applicants must complete the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration using e-snaps, a web-based portal accessible at www.hud.gov/esnaps.
- CoCs failing to submit a FY 2015 CoC Program Registration by 7:59:59 PM EDT on May 18, 2015 will not have access to the FY 2015 CoC Consolidated Application and will not be able to apply for FY 2015 CoC Program funds.
- This FY 2015 CoC Program Registration process is not for project applicants. The Project Application will be available with the publication of the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition NOFA that will be posted later this year.
- Before Collaborative Applicants can get to the actual Registration forms, they must first register for the Funding Opportunity – “FY 2015 CoC Registration” in e-snaps (see pages 14 – 15 of the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration Instructional Guide: CoC Registration and CoC Review). Registering for the Funding Opportunity DOES NOT mean that the CoC is registered to apply for FY 2015 CoC Program funds. Collaborative Applicants must first register for the Funding Opportunity and then it will have access to the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration forms. ALL Collaborative Applicants will have to complete a minimum of four forms in e-snaps, more forms are required if applying for Unified Funding Agency (UFA) and/or High Performing Community (HPC) designation(s).
- Collaborative Applicants must import the FY 2014 CoC Program Registration information in e-snaps (see page 17 of the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration Instructional Guide: CoC Registration and CoC Review). Importing the previous year’s CoC Registration will:
- Prevent the need for re-entering information during the CoC Program Registration process – Collaborative Applicants need only review and update information, and
- Allow HUD to import the FY 2013/FY 2014 CoC Application in e-snaps which will also prevent the need for re-entering the responses for those CoC Application questions that will not change from the FY 2013/FY 2014 CoC Application.
- Any Collaborative Applicant that was granted UFA designation in the FY 2014 CoC Registration process, must re-apply for UFA designation in the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration process.
- New for the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration is the ability of a CoC, through its Collaborative Applicant, to apply for HPC designation.
Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIWs)
- All Collaborative Applicants should have the final HUD-approved FY 2015 GIW.
- Although the final HUD-approved GIW is not a required attachment for the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration, the ARD amount from the final HUD-approved FY 2015 GIW is a required field in registration.
- The final HUD-approved GIW will be a required attachment to the FY 2015 CoC Priority Listing.
- CoCs without renewal projects should attach a blank GIW stating “No Renewals” in the “Comment” column. A blank GIW may be obtained by contacting your local HUD field office.
Additional Resources
- Coming Soon: FY 2015 CoC Program Registration Webinar – HUD will issue a listserv message as soon as the webinar is available for viewing along with the link.
If you have questions pertaining to e-snaps technical issues or the FY 2015 CoC Program Registration process, please submit your questions to the e-snaps Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the e-snaps AAQ portal, select “e-snaps” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
If you have questions related to the CoC Program Interim Rule or a policy related question, please submit your questions to the CoC Program Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the CoC Program AAQ portal, select “CoC Program” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
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