HUD Releases ESG guidance document - ESG and Consolidated Plan Conforming Amendments: An Overview of Changes
This week, HUD issued a new document to assist Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program recipients and subrecipients in understanding the Consolidated Plan requirements related to ESG, entitled ESG and Consolidated Plan Conforming Amendments: An Overview of Changes. The purpose of this resource is to identify changes to Consolidated Plan requirements that were made by the ESG interim rule, provide the locations of requirements in the eCon Planning Suite template screens, and provide guidance on these requirements. It does not provide instructions for completing the screens in the eCon Planning Suite, which is addressed in the Con Plan in IDIS Desk Guide. HUD encourages recipients to review all of Part 91, as amended, for a complete understanding of all requirements because this document does not address all Con Plan requirements, only changes made in the interim rule.
For recipient and subrecipient staff who are already familiar with the requirements, this document can be used as a reference. For new staff, it can be used as a resource to help with learning the requirements.
On November 22, 2011, HUD conducted a webinar entitled Changes to the Con Plan Regulations. This document complements and expands on the information provided in that webinar.
If you have questions regarding this document, please submit them to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the AAQ portal, select “ESG Program” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
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