NHSDC Spring Conference Schedule

Spring Conference and Institute Schedule
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Spring Conference Schedule!

The 2015 NHSDC Spring Conference Planning Committee is excited to release our final conference agenda and brochure, which is now available on our website.   Please note that HUD has approved the NHSDC conference as an eligible HMIS activity for those who have funds in the Training and Technical Assistance line of their HMIS budget. Check our website for more details.

Based on requests from past conference attendees, NHSDC will not provide printed session materials.  They will be available beginning April 13th on the NHSDC website.  Attendance at NHSDC Events gives you access to "website members only" content on our website. Use your Username and Password to log in, view, and download the materials. If you have forgotten your password, please recover it here: Password Recovery.  If this is your first NHSDC conference, you will receive your new account information on April 13th.

If you haven't already, be sure to register for the conference.