SSVF Program Update: April 14, 2015
Hi Team,
Please find the most recent SSVF Program Update. I want to highlight a few items. As always, my notes should not replace your very thorough read of the complete update below.
1. Mandatory-Community Planning Webinar on Thursday 4/16 at 2pm2. Intent to Adopt the Final Rule
· This request is on a rolling basis. However, if you wish to submit but have not been able to do so online, please send me a reminder so that I can follow up.
3. QPRs due 4/20 (New Process)
· We are doing a new submission process where you will submit online through our grants management system. This should help us to keep track of all submissions and also support you through a streamlined process to track your past submissions.
· This online form will be available in the "Requirements" tab by the end of this week, and grantees will be notified via email.
· For grantees that have already emailed me their reports, thank you for submitting early. Since we are transitioning to this new process, it is going to be extremely helpful to receive all submissions in the grants management system. Therefore, you will need to submit using the new process. Thanks for your patience and help.
4. Program Changes Q3
· Changes are due 6/1. Please follow the instructions below. Remember, we are now in the 3rd quarter. Financially, it is extremely important for you to evaluate your program's financial strategy and expenditures and proactively make changes so that you are in a good position for the end of the year.
5. AMI
· Click on FY2015 Income Limits
· Click on FY2015 Income Limits Documentation
· Click on the gray button
· Click on the state and then the county. You can also access statewide AMIs from this screen.
· Hit next screen button
· The limits will then appear. Please note that HUD lists three categories: Extremely Low Income (30% AMI), Very Low Income (50%), and Low Income (80%). For the purposes of SSVF, only 30% and 50% information is used. As a reminder, to meet the income eligibility criteria for SSVF, a household's income cannot exceed 50% AMI. Please note that all other eligibility criteria must also be in compliance with the SSVF guidelines to determine eligibility. Please also remember that you must determine AMI based on household size so if you are looking at 50% AMI, you must then match this to the number of people in the household to determine if they are above or below.
· Funding opportunity. Please see below for details.
7. Information Security Self Assessment
· Please review and complete the attached information security self-assessment. You do not need to send me a copy of your self-assessment, but you should use this document to determine any security needs and put a plan in place and have the appropriate Policies and Procedures.
· As a note, the word "asset" can include the following: electronic systems, computers, laptops, tablets, flash drives, external hard drives, cell phones, etc.
Thanks so much! Have a great weekend!
From: SSVF
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:38 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update: April 14, 2015
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:38 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update: April 14, 2015
- Reminder: Register Today for SSVF Webinar
- Reminder: Submit Intent to Adopt Revised SSVF Final Rule
- Reminder: Quarterly Performance Reports Due to SSVF April 20th (NEW SUBMISSION PROCESS!)
- Reminder: Program Change Submissions for Quarter 3
- HUD Releases Updated AMI Calculations
- DOL-VETS Releases Funding Opportunity for HVRP Grants
- Grantee Self-Assessment: How do you ensure client information is secure and protected?
SSVF Webinar: SSVF Community Plan & Gaps Analysis Tool Review
The VA will provide the updated planning tools before the webinar on Thursday.
SSVF Webinar Series: SSVF Community Plan & Gaps Analysis Tool Review
Join us for a webinar on Apr 16, 2015 at 2:00 PM EDT.
Register now!
The webinar is for all SSVF grantees and is open to local CoC and VA partners. The webinar will review the recently issued SSVF Gaps Analysis Tool (GAT) and SSVF Community Plan Summary, including instructions for completing and submitting plans for each CoC to SSVF Regional Coordinators by May 1, 2015. The SSVF GAT is a companion to the CoC Gaps Analysis Tool and has been developed to assist grantees with identifying key operational metrics (total households served, proportion of SSVF used for rapid re-housing, and expected rate of permanent housing placement). Identifying these operational metrics allows SSVF grantees to define SSVF "take down" targets within each CoC as part the overall effort to achieve functional zero.
Information on how to complete or update the SSVF Community Plan Summary will also be provided. One SSVF Community Plan Summary should be completed for each CoC – meaning all SSVF grantees serving a given CoC should collaborate to complete and submit the plan to the regional coordinator by May 1st. The Plan Summary should account for information and guidance provided during recent SSVF regional meetings and, for grantees in Priority 1 ("surge") communities, any changes to prior plan submission. As a reminder, all SSVF grantees are expected to be actively working with local partners to define functional zero, identify strategies and measureable targets, monitor progress, and make adjustments as needed to reach functional zero by the end of this year. The webinar will review these expectations, examine how to effectively engage local partners and use the best data available to guide your efforts, and outline additional technical assistance opportunities made available by the SSVF Program Office.
Information on how to complete or update the SSVF Community Plan Summary will also be provided. One SSVF Community Plan Summary should be completed for each CoC – meaning all SSVF grantees serving a given CoC should collaborate to complete and submit the plan to the regional coordinator by May 1st. The Plan Summary should account for information and guidance provided during recent SSVF regional meetings and, for grantees in Priority 1 ("surge") communities, any changes to prior plan submission. As a reminder, all SSVF grantees are expected to be actively working with local partners to define functional zero, identify strategies and measureable targets, monitor progress, and make adjustments as needed to reach functional zero by the end of this year. The webinar will review these expectations, examine how to effectively engage local partners and use the best data available to guide your efforts, and outline additional technical assistance opportunities made available by the SSVF Program Office.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Submit Intent to Adopt Revised SSVF Final Rule
Grantees wishing to adopt the revised Final Rule may submit a consent using the following template on official agency letterhead to the SSVF program office. Letters will be accepted on a rolling basis – there is no deadline. The consent must be signed by the agency's authorized official and will take effect upon submission to the program office. Please follow the instructions below to submit all consent letters.
1. Create letter of consent to adopt the revised final rule with the following language:
Effective (date of submission), the (name of agency) will adopt the revised 38 CFR 62 published in the Federal Register on February 24, 2015 (Vol. 80, No. 36) in place of the previous version of 38 CFR 62 published on November 10, 2010 (Vol. 75, No. 217). (name of agency) is aware that the adoption of the revised 38 CFR 62 is irrevocable and will govern the current grant agreement (grant number) and any future grant agreements while the revised 38 CFR 62 is in force.
(agency authorized official)
2. Grantees should submit the letter using the SSVF online grants management system. By now, all existing SSVF grantees have used the new grants management system. Existing users may log into their account using the link below and complete the online form. Please note that most primary points of contacts are associated with the SSVF grants management system. However, if grantees have transferred accounts to their staff, in order for other employees to submit previous online applications/requirements, the form will be within that staff member's account. Our suggestion is for each staff member who has an SSVF grants management account to log in and check to see if there is a "Requirements" tab and form pending submission.
3. Please complete the online form located in the "Requirements" tab. Again, please note that forms are only able to be accessed by the grantee's contact associated with the SSVF grants management system. Please note that the individual who submitted your grant application via the grant management system is not necessarily your primary point of contact. Grantee accounts may be transferred to other staff using the "transfer account" option under "Actions". All grantee primary and secondary points of contacts are receiving this program update.
4. There is not a deadline to adopt the revised Final Rule. However, the online form will only be active until September 30, 2015.
Quarterly Performance Reports Due to SSVF April 20th (NEW PROCESS!)
The SSVF Program Office will continue to implement the grants management tool for processing grantee reports and requirements. For the upcoming deadline of April 20, 2015 to submit the quarterly performance reports, grantees will be asked to follow procedures similar to those described above (regarding the adoption of the revised Final Rule). Grantees will receive email notification describing how to submit the quarterly performance report templates. This means that QPR files do not need to go to the SSVF Regional Coordinator. This will allow for faster processing and review of the QPR submissions. Additionally, it will allow grantees to keep a history of their submissions in their SSVF account. Please know that QPRs needing revisions or clarifications can be returned to grantees using this new system and will make submitting corrections for the SSVF Program Office even easier. This online form will be available in the "Requirements" tab by the end of this week and, again, grantees will be notified via email.
Program Change Submissions for Quarter 3
This is a friendly reminder that program change requests for Quarter 3 are due to the SSVF Program Office by 6/01/2015. As a result of community planning and/or adoption of the revised SSVF Final Rule, grantees will want to consider if there is a need to submit any requests related to a change in the proportion of assistance for RRH and/or accelerating funding, as well as program changes to ensure no homeless Veteran is turned away or otherwise stuck in shelter or on the street. This may include hiring additional outreach or housing locator staff, offering additional TFA (within program limits), or other changes that may trigger a significant change to the existing grant agreement. Please contact your Regional Coordinator immediately to discuss such changes and determine whether a program change request is needed. Please refer to the FY 2015 Companion Guide to Program Change Requests on the SSVF University for more information on this process. Also there is a webinar recording that addresses program changes (beginning around minute 20) at
HUD Releases Updated AMI Calculations
HUD has released its FY2015 Median Family Income estimates and FY2015 Income Limits. The FY2015 Income Limits were published on March 6, 2015, and are effective immediately. The income limits can be found at
DOL-VETS Releases Funding Opportunity for HVRP Grants
$4 million available for Urban and Non-Urban grants, applications due May 12
The Department of Labor Veterans' Employment and Training Service (DOL-VETS) has released a Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) for the Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program (HVRP). Funding of $4 million is available to provide an estimated 2,000 veterans with job-driven training for in-demand jobs to help them successfully transition from homelessness to sustainable housing and good civilian jobs. Homeless veterans may receive occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance, including follow-up services.
Funds are being awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, and tribal governments, including faith-based and community organizations.
The Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA-15-01) is available at
More information on the Department of Labor's unemployment and re-employment programs for veterans can be found at For questions about this grant announcement please contact the department's Cassandra Mitchell at 202-693-4589.
Grantee Self-Assessment: How do you ensure that client information is secure and protected?
With the majority of SSVF grantees using electronic software for document management, it is important to visit existing policies and identify areas that may need strengthened. To better understand the possible gaps that may exist in the protection of electronic client information, the SSVF Program Office would like for grantees to assess their programs with the attached questions. This is a simple exercise for staff members and will take less than 5 minutes.
The SSVF Program Office
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