Financing Supportive Housing Services:
Maximizing Medicaid Options and Promoting Practices in the Field Webinar - April 29, 2015 - 2 PM EDT
Medicaid is a flexible program and states have numerous options for expanding benefit packages beyond the minimum required by law. New priorities to place the most vulnerable homeless clients in permanent supportive housing (PSH) bring a renewed focus to using Medicaid services, which can be tailored to meet specific needs, to cover PSH services.
Intended to complement a new primer and emerging field practices on Medicaid and PSH from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, experts on this panel workshop will explain the options available, illustrate how to use Medicaid to cover integrated primary care, behavioral health, and supportive housing services, and highlight lessons learned from states and communities that are using such options to cover services for PSH clients. This web-session will highlight the state-level options available and cutting-edge techniques being used to make the most of Medicaid opportunities!
Please join us Wednesday, April 29, 2:00-3:30 EDT.
- Carol Wilkins, Consultant, Abt Associates
- Brenda Goldstein, Psychosocial Services Director, LifeLong Medical Care, Berkeley, CA
- Karen Batia, Principal, Health Management Associates; Chief Excellence and Innovations Officer, Aunt Martha's, Chicago, IL
- Christy Respress, Executive Director, Pathways to Housing DC, Washington, DC
- Peggy Bailey, Director of Health Systems Integration, CSH
Moderator: Barbara DiPietro, Senior Director of Policy, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
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