Upcoming: VAWA Implementation Call - May 26, 2015 - 1 PM EDT

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

VAWA Implementation Call - May 26, 2015 - 1 PM EDT

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) along with the Office of the Vice President will be hosting a call to discuss the proposed rule regarding the housing protections included in 2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 2013). Providers, advocates, and other interested parties are encouraged to participate and to learn more about the proposed rule and the extended protections offered under VAWA 2013. You are also encouraged to pass the invitation to other stakeholders in your networks!
Jennifer Ho, Senior Advisor for Housing and Services at HUD, will open the call with remarks from the Secretary’s office on the importance of VAWA 2013 as it relates to HUD covered housing. The call will offer a detailed summary of the proposed rule and representatives from each of the program offices with covered housing under VAWA 2013 will speak to the importance of the rule as it relates to different HUD covered housing.
It is important to note that the proposed rule is in the public comment period and HUD cannot speak beyond the content of the rule at this time. Also, any comments or questions during the call will not be part of the official public comments. In order to submit comments or ask clarifying questions, participants will need to formally submit through the Federal eRulemaking Portal page for the proposed rule.

Call Details

Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM EDT
Register for this call.

Note: Call-in information will be provided upon registration.