Income Calculator Updated with FY 2015 Income Limits

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Income Calculator Updated with FY 2015 Income Limits

HUD has updated the Income Eligibility Calculator to incorporate the FY 2015 Income Limits.

How Does This Affect the Income Calculator?

All calculations that are currently in a user's dashboard in the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator, as well as all calculations completed going forward, will use the FY 2015 income limits for the purposes of determining eligibility.

Please note that this tool is designed to allow you to more easily update a beneficiary’s income in the future – it is not a repository of income calculations completed in the past.

Only calculations that were downloaded from the Calculator and saved to a user's hard drive (or printed off) prior to today will retain the previous year's income limits data for calculating a beneficiary's income eligibility.

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