Announcement: Technical Assistance Opportunity Related to Implementation and Approval of Owner-Adopted Admissions Preferences for Persons Experiencing Homelessness
On July 25, 2013, HUD issued Notice HUD 2013-21: Implementation and approval of owner-adopted admissions preferences for individuals or families experiencing homelessness. This Notice provides guidance on an optional homeless admission preference for HUD-assisted multifamily properties. Pioneering communities such as Massachusetts, Chicago, and Philadelphia have leveraged this option over the last year to reduce homelessness locally.
HUD is now issuing a Technical Assistance Request for Interest for communities that wish to capitalize on the homeless preference in 2015. Continuums of Care (CoCs) and their partners in regional HUD Multifamily offices are invited to apply in two person teams for short term technical assistance for fall, 2015 to help connect HUD-assisted Multifamily Housing owners with efforts to end homelessness locally. The one page application is easy to complete and is due on August 7, 2015.
View the TA Request for Interest and Notice HUD 2013-21 for additional information. Please send your questions regarding the Request for Interest to TAapplication@tacinc.org.
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