Are CDCs MIA on TOD? | Burying the Prison Pipeline | Posts by Raphael Bostic, Laura Barrett, Jonathan Reckford and Lisa Hodges
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

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Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference

Materials available now from the ninth biennial Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference. Access speaker and presenter videos, presentations, papers, and posters on the website.

A Clear SCOTUS Statement on Disparate Impact

By Raphael Bostic, University of Southern California   

There will continue to be debate as to whether the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs should be considered a "bad actor." It is true that much of the housing they helped finance was needed and helped to improve impoverished and struggling minority communities. But it is also true that the department . . . More 

Are CDCs MIA on TOD?

The Community Compact, signed by over 70 community associations, foundations, government and institutional stakeholders articulated the goals of inclusive hiring practices, sustainable building and design, and transparency. Unfortunately, only 3 of the 70  signatories were community development corporations . . . More 

What's Burying the Prison Pipeline?
By Laura Barrett, Gamaliel
What is it that's happening--from the federal down to the state and local level--that's appearing to steer the country toward the dismantling of our prison pipeline? More

What Have We Learned a Decade After the Gulf Coast Hurricanes?   
By Jonathan Reckford, Habitat for Humanity 
The emergency response to Hurricane Katrina was a failure of historic proportions, and the region is still experiencing aftershocks. What lessons can those in the disaster relief community learn from it and the dozens of disasters that have shaken us since? . . . More 

You Said It!

It is unclear why the author refers to the Bridge Park as a creative placemaking project. It is a public space for recreation, education, civic events, and, yes, performance; however, arts and creativity are not central to the space. The project is more accurately defined as infrastructure reuse. --Marie J Fritz on Can D.C.'s Bridge Park Work for Everyone?


 Deputy Director, Metro West Collaborative Development

 Senior Project Manager, Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation

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Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel

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Regional Housing Legal Services

USC Price School of Public Policy

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Democracy Collaborative

Columbia University

Tufts University

Fund for Public Schools

Lisa Hodges
Hodges Development, LLC

Planner, Louisa County, Va.

National CAPACD

Opportunity Agenda

Tulane University

National Housing Institute

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