How Smart Shopping Leads to Healthy Eating
Join PolicyLink on 7/9 for this webinar that will summarize the factors that influence low-income consumers' food choices and describe culturally appropriate interventions that promote healthier shopping and eating. Explore nutrition education programs and get practical tips on working with grocery retailers in your community. Register here.
Men, Women, and the #RacialWealthGap.
Join the Center for Global Policy Solutions on 7/15 for a discussion on the intersection of gender, race, and wealth to get a clear picture of how people of color are faring in today's economy. Register here.
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From Rooflines, the Shelterforce Blog
Putting Jobs in Detroit's Empty Spaces
By Brittany Hutson
This plan for Detroit's transformation would address two iconic problems that have plagued the city--miles and miles of vacant, uninhabited space and a staggering unemployment rate . . . More
How *Not* to Connect Health and Community Development
By Miriam Axel-Lute
The idea that someone thought a sign exhorting people to "take a walk" was what this neighborhood needed baffles me. It also is a really good symbol for what could go wrong with our newfound focus on the connection between health and community development. . . . More
From Shelterforce Online: The Aging Issue
Staying Ahead of the Age Wave
By Keli Tianga
America is rapidly aging, and we're not prepared. Some groups in the community development field are showing us the way with creative and common sense approaches to help people age in place . . . More
Where Affordable Aging In Place is Already Working
By Andrée Tremoulet
Manufactured housing communities are often the perfect place for retirement on a fixed-income. And here's why . . . More
Who Killed 202, and Why? By Andre Shashaty The killing of the federal 202 program, which financed construction of hundreds of thousands of senior housing units, doesn't seem to have involved any cost-benefit analysis. While the motive is not clear, the impact will soon be, as . . . More
In talking about the connection between better health and housing and community development, don't forget there is a solid evidence base for mobility programs that help people use their vouchers in healthier communities, as well as housing initiatives that build affordable housing in those opportunity areas. In talking about the connection between better health and housing and community development, don't forget their is a solid evidence base for mobility programs that help people use their vouchers in healthier communities, as well as housing initiatives that build affordable housing in those opportunity areas . . . --Barbara Samuels on How *Not* to Connect Health and Housing
To your main point . . .Yes, our sector definitely has a language issue. Nearly all of our jargon is stuck in the War on Poverty. It just is no longer relevant to that common citizen, even the enlightened and well-meaning ones. Take the word "housing." It is saddled with negative connotations and the culture of the victim. Nobody, even homeless families, want to be "housed." . . . --Anthony Jones on Reframing Government's--And Our Own--Role in Affordable Housing
Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel
Regional Housing Legal Services
USC Price School of Public Policy
HOPE Credit Union
Burlington Associates
Democracy Collaborative
Housing Partnership Network
Columbia University
Tufts University
Fund for Public Schools
Planner, Louisa County, Va.
National CAPACD
Cornerstone Partnership
Opportunity Agenda
National Housing Institute
Housing Assistance Council
ACLU Maryland
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
George Washington Univesity
Housing Assistance Council
Appalachian State University
San Francisco Community
Land Trust