SSVF FY 2014 Annual Report Now Available
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has released the FY 2014 Annual Report for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program. The report provides a summary of the results from 319 SSVF grantees funded for FY 2014.
Some key highlights from the report include:
- Since SSVF’s inception, the program has served a cumulative total of 138,538 veterans.
- Since its inception, SSVF’s rapid re-housing assistance has become a substantial component of the United States’ crisis response system for literally homeless veterans. In FY 2013, approximately 18 percent of all sheltered homeless veterans were assisted to exit homelessness by an SSVF rapid re-housing program. This is expected to increase to approximately 34 percent for FY 2014.
- Over the same period, 92,577 veterans exited SSVF, with 80 percent successfully exiting to permanent housing.
- Among veterans exiting from SSVF homelessness prevention assistance, 88 percent exited to permanent housing after participating in SSVF services for an average of 94 days.
- Among veterans who were homeless and received rapid re-housing assistance 75 percent exited to permanent housing, after participating for 102 days on average.
The report includes an introduction of SSVF's impact on national trends and an overview of the program, as well as an overview of grant funding, financial expenditures, and the assistance and services provided through the program.