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HUD Makes Funding Available to PHAs Administering HUD-VASH |
There’s a new funding stream available to Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) that serve homeless veterans. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has released an additional $10 million to help fund administrative tasks like housing search assistance and landlord recruitment. According to Amy Ginger, director of Housing Voucher Programs at HUD, the money will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications are due by November 13. |
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Wednesday, September 9, 2 to 3 p.m. EDT |
On Wednesday, September 9, the Alliance will host a webinar for communities that are just getting started with coordinated entry or working to improve their existing coordinated entry systems. Speakers in this webinar will provide an overview of coordinated entry, as well as the critical components: access, diversion, assessment and prioritization, and referral. |
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