VA Announces Availability of SSVF Funds for WY, NE, IN
Up to $3.5 million available, applications due Sept. 1, 2015
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program.
VA is making funding available for up to four awards, not to exceed $3.5 million. Up to two awards will provide up to $3 million for services in the State of Wyoming. An award of up to $1 million will be available to provide services in western Nebraska. An award of up to $60,000 will be made available to provide services to Lake County in the State of Indiana. VA may make adjustments to proposed budgets submitted by applicants to ensure that the overall funding from this NOFA does not exceed $3.5 million.
The SSVF Program's purpose is to provide supportive services grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives, who will coordinate or provide supportive services to very low-income veteran families who: (i) Are residing in permanent housing; (ii) are homeless and scheduled to become residents of permanent housing within a specified time period; or (iii) after exiting permanent housing within a specified time period, are seeking other housing that is responsive to such very low-income veteran family's needs and preferences.
The deadline for applications is Sept. 1, 2015. To read the full NOFA from today’s Federal Register, click here.