The Wells Fargo NEXT Awards celebrate CDFI industry innovation. Winners for 2015 include Freedom First Federal Credit Union, Potawatomi Community Development Corporation, and The Disability Opportunity Fund. See the full list of awardees and learn more here.
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Skipping "Place-Based" Work Leaves Cities Vulnerable to Climate Change
By Denise Fairchild, Emerald Cities Collaborative
Instead of dismantling the extractive economy, we are reinforcing it by asking for a greater share of it. Asking for greater access to jobs and income from industries that are polluting our communities, damaging our health, and destroying our environments while also producing great income inequality leaves . . . More
Unfriend Your Neighbor to Get a Loan?
By Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce
Want to be that one person who bootstraps themselves out of poverty and makes it, against all odds? Not if Facebook has anything to do with it . . . More
Fear of Causing Displacement Shouldn't Mean Fear of Private Investment
By Jonathan Reckford, Habitat for Humanity
If decaying urban areas across the U.S. are going to stop their downward spiral, it is going to require a variety of neighborhood investment--from within and from outside . . . More
Julián Castro
Secretary, Department of Housing & Urban Development
In an exclusive interview with Shelterforce, Sec. Castro reveals that HUD is reviewing, in conjunction with the Dept. of Justice, current screening policies that exclude people with arrest and/or criminal records from public housing.
He also discusses HUD's new AFFH rule, housing affordability, the department's 50th anniversary, and more . . .
"Clear, informative, and provocative. A fine contribution to the national conversation about fair housing, addressing BOTH the removal of discriminatory barriers AND the expansion of housing options with lasting affordability." -- John Emmeus Davis on Interview with HUD Secretary Julian Castro.
Does your organization want to post a job ad?
Deputy Director, HANDS, Inc.
HANDS, located in Orange, NJ, seeks a mid-career professional with experience, education, and training in real estate development, finance, construction, and organizational development to work directly with the Executive Director who is retiring in 18 months . . . Read Full Listing
Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel
Housing Assistance Council
Regional Housing Legal Services
USC Price School of Public Policy
Janis Bowdler
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
HOPE Credit Union
Burlington Associates
Democracy Collaborative
Tufts University
Fund for Public Schools
Planner, Louisa County, Va.
National CAPACD
Opportunity Agenda
Tulane University
National Housing Institute
Habitat for Humanity
ACLU Maryland
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
San Francisco Community
Land Trust